Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Blogging client for Fedora?

There are several bloggers out there using Wordpress or Blogger as their blogging platform. Blogging client is an answer for those who want to edit the blogs offline and publish it online. There are many blogging clients available for Fedora but only a few works. Here I will share some blogging clients which worked in my PC running Fedora.

Using this client you can post contents to Blogger and Wordpress. To make this blogging client work, you need to setup preferences. You will be asked about your blog URL, username and password. By submitting the infromation you blog post will get synchronized with GScribble.

The interface of GScriblle is very simple and easy to understand. The left pan holds the title of all your post, by click on it the post content will appear in the center. The right pan will have categories.

You have option to post, publish, save, add category and publish as page in GScribble. So you have option to edit and publish entry right from the client. Once installation is done you can run from terminal by giving the command gscribble to launch the app.

Installation instruction. 

sudo yum install gscribble -y

To make this blogging client work, you need to setup preferences. You will be asked about your blog URL, username and password. By submitting the infromation you blog post will get synchronized with GScribble.

The interface of GScriblle is very simple and easy to understand. The left pan holds the title of all your post, by click on it the post content will appear in the center. The right pan will have categories.

You have option to post, publish, save, add category and publish as page in GScribble. So you have option to edit and publish entry right from the client. Once installation is done you can run from terminal by giving the command gscribble to launch the app.

Installation instruction.
sudo yum install gscribble -y


Blogilo makes creating and sharing content content easier. It offers great, inituitive interface. This blogging client application is default application in KDE environment. The name Blogilo mean blog tool in Esperanto. You can install this app by installing KDE environment or can be done by specific installation.

Installation instruction

sudo yum install kdepim -y

Once installation is done, you can find it in Activities. The layout is more simple than GScribble. After conifguration done, you can see all your post in right pan and the contents. There is no left pan in this client. You have options to see how the content look in your website. In GScribble you have only HTML Editor and Visual Editor. Blogilo has another option "post preview which is used to see the content as in website.